PHYSICAL GRAFFITI: A Total Mural Failure: Kamala Harris’s Campaign Hits a Brick Wall in Philly.

Watching the Kamala Harris campaign is like watching paint dry. Now, some sketchy surrogates of Harris have taken that truth to a whole new level in Philadelphia where they garishly graffiti-tagged a brick building with one word for their one-note candidate. While some say the mural is just flat-stupid, others say this latest AstroTurf attempt is all surface and no substance. It doesn’t take an art degree to know this brushwork is making some non-fans of the Democratic presidential hopeful bristle.

Here’s a look at the un-American graffiti.

But was it really ‘spotted’ or is something else going on here? You know they say a picture paints a thousand words but Kamala’s name isn’t the only writing on the wall.

So, let’s check the fine print … er, fine paint in this case.

Back in the 1930s, FDR’s New Deal created make-work projects for artists such as Mark Rothko, Jackson Pollock, and Ben Shahn. Today, Kamala’s election bid is commissioning graffiti, which speaks volumes about how the left’s cultural aspirations have fallen.