And here’s Harrison’s full statement:

Notwithstanding Barack Obama’s ethno-tribalist herding of black men into a sheep’s pen, as it were, so they can be told by him, their self-appointed political shepherd, for whom they are to cast their vote in November, he is stripping these men of their identity as image-bearers of God (Gen. 1:27).

Imagine having your entire identity reduced to the color of your skin and subsequently being told that on that basis alone—the basis of a static and immutable aspect of your personhood (melanin), as opposed to your God-given intellect and discernment—that you must vote for someone simply because that person looks like you.

Think about that.

In Obama’s eyes these black men aren’t “brothas,” they’re sheep. They’re not men, they’re political pawns to be used and discarded once the election is over—just like he did to black people in 2008 and 2012.

And here’s what started all the fuss: ‘Not Acceptable’: Obama Scolds Black ‘Brothas’ For Not Backing Harris – Blames Sexism. “Having exhorted black men to embrace racism in the voting booth, Obama then suggested the same group’s sexism was at the heart of Harris’ problem with them.”

He’s flailing.

UPDATE: Harrison since posted that he’d blocked Obama but read it the wrong way around. But the point about Obama flailing and scolding still stands.