JOSEPH CAMPBELL: Why CNN is changing up its polling for 2024.

CNN polling director Agiesta, who in May completed a one-year term as AAPOR president, declined to be interviewed for this article.

But in a CNN-sponsored discussion before the 2022 midterm elections, Agiesta addressed the question of whether polls are accurate, saying, “I would like to think that they are.”

She said pollsters had been “taking lots and lots of steps to try to correct for the errors that we have seen in past cycles,” adding: “I mean, obviously, the problems that polling had in 2016 and in 2020 were extremely well publicized. Everybody’s aware that there was an understatement of the Republican support in a lot of polling in both of those election cycles.”

Over her right shoulder, on display in the office where she spoke, was a desktop sign that bore this emphatic pronouncement, in capital letters: “ACCURACY FIRST!”

Given that she works for CNN, I’m sure she meant that strictly ironically.