YOU’D THINK THIS WOULD BE BIGGER NEWS: An Arrest for Supreme Court Threats.

As the public waits for more details from the investigation into the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump, police on Wednesday arrested a 76-year-old Alaska man for sending online threats to “assault, kidnap, and murder six Justices of the United States Supreme Court and some of their family members,” as the feds put it in a court filing.

Panos Anastasiou is accused of sending more than 465 messages via an online portal on the Court’s website. Here’s one from May that gives the flavor: “I’m going to call and urge my fellow Vietnam veterans… to drive by the [Supreme Court Justice 2]’s house with their AR15’s and when f— [Supreme Court Justice 2] and his f— PIECE OF S— C— WIFE are HOME spray the home of these disrespectful mother f— with hundreds of rounds.”

The indictment doesn’t name the Justices targeted, but it isn’t all that difficult to read between the lines. Some of the messages call them “corrupt,” and one refers to the Justice’s spouse as his “n— loving insurrectionist wife.” In a statement from the Justice Department, Attorney General Merrick Garland says the defendant made these threats against the Justices “to retaliate against them for decisions he disagreed with.”

He is facing 22 counts in total, including nine for threatening a federal judge, a crime that’s punishable by up to 10 years in prison per instance. He has pleaded not guilty, and his defense attorney declined to comment to the Associated Press.


And this: “In 2020 Chuck Schumer stood outside the Supreme Court and threatened Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch by name. ‘You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.'”

It’s (D)ifferent when they do it.