A CULTURE OF HATE: Imagine, if you will, that Senate Democrats scheduled a hearing on hate crimes and civil rights with a special focus on racist hate crimes. In the middle of the session, a right-wing protestor disrupts the proceedings and shouts, among other things, “fucking blacks!” I have little doubt the MSM would be screaming about it for weeks, including front page headlines and ponderous essays about the purported right-wing culture of hate.


Today, Senate Democrats (reluctantly) held a hearing on antisemitism and other forms of hate. As Ted Cruz was speaking, a protestor, apparently from Code Pink, came to the floor of the committee room and shouted, among other things “fucking Jews!” I only know about this because someone send me a private IM. No media outrage, no headlines or even coverage in the MSM, and of course, no ponderous essays about how the left has created a culture of hate.

UPDATE: For that matter, if it was a right-wing type who had shouted “fucking Jews” today, and had interrupted a Democrat instead of Ted Cruz, we’d never hear the end of it.