ACE OF SPADES: Make America America Again.

It is just beyond revolting, if not completely predictable, that in the wake of the second assassination attempt on former president Donald Trump that the loudest, shrillest voices within the Democrat Party and the media – which as we all know is in point of fact a redundancy – have the unmitigated, radioactive temerity to actually blame him for the attempts on his life. After almost every second of every day for nine straight years of comparing him to Adolph Hitler and sliming anyone who supports him as not only a racist bigot but of willing to throw those unlike them into concentration camps or worse to fulfill the alleged goal of turning America into a white Christian nationalist theocracy (a hoary old retread of a theme going back to Ronald Reagan if not to Barry Goldwater) Projection ain’t just a river in Egypt.

It’s kind of funny since mere days before the 2008 election, Barack Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” the United States of America. Into what, he never said, but judging from the poisoned rhetoric of his apostate priest and confessor, Jeremiah Wright, as well as the words and deeds of his likely real father and mentor Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed Stalinist and Soviet agent, it was no stretch of the imagination to connect the dots. In point of fact, considering everything that is happening here at home and quite a bit of what’s going on abroad we are only beginning to reap the whirlwind of what Obama has just begun to sow.

All things considered, the fact that Donald Trump openly ran to stop that in an effort to Make America Great Again, and that he handily beat a machine intent on continuing the destruction with Hillary Clinton as the combined Eva Peron/Lucretia Borgia as its leader was in and of itself nothing short of miraculous.

As even Kamala now grudgingly admits, it’s time to “Turn the Page” on the failed policies of the incumbent, who is now seeking what would effectively be his fourth term in office.