NEO: The debate: the supposed intelligentsia versus the commoners.

There are polls in which people say Kamala won the debate but that doesn’t make them vote for her. That’s not so hard to understand, because life in the real world is not a debate, complete with mugging, lies, and moderators who control the questions and the flow. The gist of what I’ve seen is that a great many undecideds were annoyed that Kamala gave out little of substance during the debate concerning her proposals for what she would do as president. They wanted the nuts and bolts, and she didn’t provide it.

With a video assist from the Ruthless Podcast, who as Neo writes, “do a good job of analyzing – in enormous and yet entertaining detail – what happened at the hands of the debate moderators on Tuesday night. When I say ‘entertaining,’ what I mean is that the podcasters all have a good sense of humor, not that the moderator bias itself was the least bit amusing.”