JOHN NOLTE: Time Issues Humiliating Correction Admitting Kamala Supports Taxpayer-Funded Gender Surgery for Illegals.

Despite all of this being true, here’s how Time covered this moment: “The former President … falsely claimed that Harris “wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison.”

Now, on top of Time being staffed with lousy, lazy, partisan, left-wing activists who spread misinformation, there’s another reason Time spread this lie… The idea of taxpayer-funded sex change operations for illegal aliens is so outside the mainstream, so wackadoodle, Time likely didn’t even bother to fact-check Trump’s statement. It was simply assumed Trump had invented this because no sane person would ever support something so ridiculously dumb. Honestly, what a way to attract every deviant on the planet to sneak into America — Free sex changes, girls!

Well, much to Time’s humiliation, the truth will out and the outlet was forced to not only issue a correction, but through a correction, a helluva lot more people will read the correction than Time’s dumb article, and the word is out that Kamala does indeed support taxpayer-funded sex-change operations for illegal aliens:

Correction, Sept. 11

The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.

What’s especially interesting is that at no time since this news broke has Kamala or her campaign backed off of this wackadoodle belief.

She actually believes this, and as she made clear, her values have not changed.

Then there are the Tiny Mummies at the New Yorker:

And on the West Coast, the squares at the Seattle Times are determined to forget about their city’s legendary Summer of Love in 2020: Oof! Seattle Times’ Trump Fact-Check Gets a Community Notes Nuking (Using Their Own Previous Story).

Related: ABC Moderators Were Lying: Eight ‘Aborted’ Babies Were Born Alive & Then Left to Die in Minnesota.