“BIAS? WHAT BIAS?” Part Deux: The Columbia Journalism Review, staffed by People Who Are Smarter Than You and Know Things really tips their hand in this execrable article titled “Is the press ‘sanewashing’ Trump?

One line struck me as the dead giveaway:

“The biggest problem, I concluded, was not journalists’ failure to resolve an unresolvable debate about exposure, but their failure to accurately describe Trump’s rhetoric…”

You see, the starting point is that Trump is crazy. If that’s your baseline, then there’s no pretending you are seeking truth and reporting it.

(IMHO, Trump, for the most part, is crazy like a fox. He knows exactly what he’s doing, and he is a GrandMaster Troll.)

Meanwhile, Kamala’s word-salad generation continues unabated, and consistently softened or even ignored by a compliant group of cheerleaders.

The New York Times is attempting to spin Vice President Kamala Harris’ history of unflattering viral moments as “celebratory artifacts” following her swift emergence as the presumptive Democratic nominee,” Fox reported.

As my hero Jules Winnfield would say