JUSTICE STILL NOT SERVED: Teacher Who Won Court Battle after Refusing COVID Vaccine is Barred from School.

The court found the New York City Department of Education (DOE) wrongfully denied Halkias’ request for a religious exemption from taking the vaccine, deeming the decision “arbitrary and capricious.”

On August 1, the judge ordered Halkias to be reinstated with back pay.

But when she arrived at PS-85 in Long Island City for teacher orientation, she was told that there was “nothing” for her at the school.

“I’m not a criminal, and yet they are making me feel like I’m breaking the law,” she said.

The principal reportedly told Halkias that she had received no instructions to reinstate her, and there was no position available for her at the school.

“I went today for work, and I was told that there was nothing for me,” Halkias told the Post on Tuesday.

“The principal said that she had no directions given to her about my case, there was no position for me, and I couldn’t get a time card because I’m not officially in the system.”

Halkias’ attorney, James Mermigis, expressed frustration over the DOE’s actions.

He said that there might be financial motives at play, noting that Halkias was earning a substantial salary of $128,000, and was just six months away from reaching full retirement benefits

I suppose that’s one way for New York to chip away at its pension crisis — but hardly a decent or just way.