The body of Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin has been found in the tunnels under Rafah. Hamas had abducted the 23-year-old dual citizen on October 7 from the Nova music festival and an IDF rescue operation was closing in on his position when Hamas murdered him along with 5 other hostages.

There are no words to describe the inhumanity of the act. For the six hostages to have survived almost a year in the most unspeakably brutal conditions only to have their captors cruelly murder them when they were on the brink of being rescued demonstrates the heartlessness and cruelty of human beings without conscience, without a spark of human decency.

Goldberg-Polin’s parents had traveled the world, looking to put pressure on Netanyahu to come to an agreement with Hamas and bring the hostages home. The couple gave an emotionally wrenching speech at the Democratic National Convention last week.

“This is a political convention. But needing our only son — and all of the cherished hostages — home is not a political issue. It is a humanitarian issue,” said his father, Jon Polin. His mother, Rachel added very quietly, “Hersh, if you can hear us, we love you, stay strong, survive.”

Joe Biden took a moment away from working on his suntan to make a statement.

“I am devastated and outraged. Hersh was among the innocents brutally attacked while attending a music festival for peace in Israel,” Mr. Biden said. “He lost his arm helping friends and strangers during Hamas’s savage massacre. He had just turned 23.”

“Make no mistake, Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes,” said the president.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said, “He who murders abductees – does not want a deal. We are in a difficult day. The heart of the entire nation was torn.”

John Podhoretz writes, “And I cannot help but ask. I cannot. Had the Biden administration’s will not been bent and twisted in the months following the attack by the fiendish propaganda campaign causing them to worry about the war’s effect on Joe’s chances in Michigan—due to a population that effectively supported the terrorist monsters and cared not a whit for the eight Americans, let alone the 240 other innocents dragged into Hell—would Hersh and these others have survived? Imagine an Israel that had not found itself restrained and under assault, not told to pause, not scolded in pissy little phone calls with petulant American establishmentarians, without arms and aid held up, without being lectured about the geostrategic value of going slow or not going at all.”