THIS JUST IN: The Second Circuit has reinstated Sarah Palin’s libel case against The New York Times.

Bloomberg is reporting that:

“The piece, published after a gunman opened fire on members of Congress on a baseball field, described a “‘link’” between the shooting and “‘political incitement.’” It referenced a digital graphic published in 2010 by Palin’s political action committee. The graphic was a map showing crosshairs over congressional districts represented by Democrats—including the district of former Rep. Gabby Giffords, who was shot in 2011.”

Here’s the decision, which I haven’t parsed out yet.

I’ve been before the trial judge in the past, and although I have deep respect for him, he played fast and loose with several procedural matters, and contrary to law, held an “evidentiary hearing” at the motion to dismiss stage. A real no-no.

The bottom line in the case is that they ran an Op/Ed clearly blaming Palin for the kook shooting Rep. Gabby Giffords, but failed to research (and learn) that the Times had long before published an article vindicating her for any connection.

Shorthand: “Don’t you idiots read your own newspaper?”