FIGHT NIGHT: Kamala Harris Folds, ABC News Debate Terms Agreed Upon.

All of the original rules that were part of the CNN debate will remain in place, with none of the rumored changes, including the use of notes and being seated, being adopted.

This puts a big dent in what was an obvious ploy by Harris to manufacture yet another “I’m speaking” moment for the cameras. She used that line during the 2020 vice presidential debate and has rehashed it several times during speeches over the years. With an open mic setup, she was no doubt salivating at the chance to use it again on Trump (even if he didn’t legitimately interrupt her). I’d bet she already had the shirts printed and ready to go.

How did we arrive here? That’s less certain. If ABC News held the line here and told the Harris campaign that the rules were already set and could not be changed, I’d have to give them credit for that. For now, though, we don’t know what transpired behind the scenes. What we do know is that all the bluster from the Harris campaign about an “uncensored” debate is null and void, and that’s a good thing. As much as political observers may like a food fight in theory, the muted mic setup is far more effective in informing voters about each nominee.

Although as America’s Newspaper of Record “reports:” Harris Team Asks If Her Mic Can Just Be Muted For The Whole Debate.