DISPATCHES FROM THE PARTY OF TOLERANCE FOR DIVERSITY: How a beloved comedy actress became liberal Hollywood’s public enemy number one.

Describing Kennedy Jr’s decision to run on the principle of “unity”, [RFK Jr’s wife Cheryl Hines] concluded that “It’s been my experience that the vast majority of all parties are truly good people who want the best for our country and for each other.”

Unfortunately for Hines, many of these “truly good” people are deeply opposed to her. The actor Bradley Whitford, who starred in The West Wing and is well-known for his liberal and progressive politics, tore into her publicly, writing “Hey, @CherylHines, way to stay silent while your lunatic husband throws his support behind the adjudicated rapist who brags about stripping women of their fundamental rights. Gutsy. Great example for the kids.” He sardonically referred to Kennedy Jr’s uncle JFK’s famous 1956 book about the courageous actors of American senators in his tweet, concluding “Profile in courage.”

And although most actors have remained silent about the matter, Hines has now become a public laughing-stock both because of her marriage to RFK Jr and her recent statement. One wit, mocking her use of the word ‘presidency’, wrote “I didn’t realize he was president. Or in your worm eaten brains, maybe he already was.”

Other social media users have been quick to pillory Hines. One complained that “You suck. I can’t even enjoy the episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm with you in them anymore”, while another, either deliberately blending fact and fiction or acting out of confusion, declared that “It’s no wonder Larry divorced you.” There have, admittedly, been many statements of support for Hines, but these have come almost exclusively from Trump supporters.

If only someone had warned that for a company town that allegedly hates blacklisting, it doesn’t take much at all to blacklist yourself there.