THE CORBYNIZATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY CONTINUES APACE: ‘Jews have to meet in secret at DNC,’ says Holocaust survivor, ex-ADL head Foxman.

Holocaust survivor and former Anti-Defamation League national director Abraham Foxman expressed concern on Wednesday that the situation for Jews in the US had deteriorated to the point that they had to meet in secret at events like the Democratic Party National Convention.

Foxman’s concern came after a Tuesday Agudath Israel of America DNC event on rising antisemitism against Orthodox Jews was disrupted by anti-Israel activists.

“Brick by brick, wall by wall, Zionism will fall,” the activists chanted in a video published by Agudath Israel.

Foxman, who survived the Holocaust by being hidden and raised by his Catholic Polish nanny, said on X that he knew in his heart that “in the future it will be better, for Jews in America then it is today. But I fear it will never be the same. After 50 years fighting antisemitism in America, I could not have imagined a time Jews would have to meet in secret locations in Chicago at DNC.”

The ADL noted that the event was not about Zionism, and that Agudath Israel had been targeted for being “visibly Jewish.”

Foxman, who survived the Holocaust by being hidden and raised by his Catholic Polish nanny, said on X that he knew in his heart that “in the future it will be better, for Jews in America then it is today. But I fear it will never be the same. After 50 years fighting antisemitism in America, I could not have imagined a time Jews would have to meet in secret locations in Chicago at DNC.”

The ADL noted that the event was not about Zionism, and that Agudath Israel had been targeted for being “visibly Jewish.”

Foxman may claim that he “could not have imagined a time Jews would have to meet in secret locations in Chicago at DNC,” but America’s Newspaper of Record sure could: