OLD AND BUSTED: Make America Great Again.

The New Hotness? Make America Cuba Again! Castro writ large: Kamala Harris declares war on wreckers and hoarders.

If you thought the economy couldn’t get worse under Joe Biden, wait ’til you get a load of what Kamala Harris has in store for it.

According to The Hill:

Vice President Harris on Friday will outline a series of economic policy proposals as part of her presidential campaign, including a call for a federal ban on corporate price-gouging.

Harris will deliver remarks in North Carolina, a battleground state in November, where her campaign said she will focus on plans to lower the cost of groceries. The vice president will say that soaring meat prices in particular have contributed to a spike in grocery bills, and she will call out corporate consolidation in the market.

Those meat hike price rises, like everything else, including the price of oil, are the direct result of government overspending and money-printing that have brought us inflation. Harris proposes to control these prices, as if any business raising prices is “greedy,” cracking down on what the Bolsheviks used to call “hoarders and wreckers.”

But inflation and the interest rate hikes used to control it, hit every aspect of the economy, not just groceries, from rents to housing stock, to medical care, to credit card rates, to consumer goods. And they are all the function of too much money chasing too few goods, which is why prices go up.

On everything, everywhere. Inflation, as Milton Friedman has stated, is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.

And then there is a Mobius Loop feel of the Vice President simultaneously feigning an attempt to fight inflation while her administration is insisting that inflation is not a very big issue: “It’s worth noting how contradictory that is. On the one hand, the Biden-Harris administration is claiming that inflation has been solved*. On the other hand, they are saying Republicans want to do nothing to solve inflation. In a saner media environment, such an idiotic inconsistency would be lambasted as unserious. Unfortunately, we do not live in that environment. In short, the best case here is Harris is pumping out communist drivel to win the election without any intent of actually enforcing whatever executive order she’d release. The worst case is she’s serious and the entire US economy ends up looking like something that would make Nicolas Maduro blush. Neither is a good option.”

Finally, as Victor Davis Hanson asks as the first two of “ten unanswered questions that illustrate how and why we’ve entered this bizarro world:”

  1. How can Kamala Harris merely promise us fixes to come in 2025 for inflation and an open border when she is still vice president for another six months? Why can’t she enact her proposed solutions to these problems (which she helped create) right now?
  2. Would the media prefer to help her win but lose further credibility themselves by failing to ask why she has disowned her last three decades of leftist agendas, or to reclaim some of their reputations and thereby risk her losing?

Politico indicated their approach to VDH’s second question yesterday, choosing the former option: “Trump moves to tie Harris to Biden on the economy: ‘They are a team.’”

* So much so that yesterday, a “Frustrated Biden Snaps at Reporter for Asking About Inflation. ‘My policies are working. Start writing that way, okay?’ Biden told reporters.”