SIT IN THE DARK AND EAT THE BUGS: Xcel’s smart meter comedy tour not so funny.
Did you get your smart meter from Xcel yet? That’s the meter that lets Xcel do time of use pricing (and, if you ask me for my conspiratorial opinion, will let them have tighter control over demand management–i.e. controlling your energy consumption).
This smart meter lets Xcel charge different rates at different times of day. When I say different here, I mean much higher. Electricity between 1 and 3 PM on weekdays goes at about twice the regular rate, and between 3 and 7 PM the price jumps to about three times the usual rate. Like to run your AC between 1 PM and 7 PM on weekdays? Like to do your laundry after work on a Thursday so your weekend is free from that chore? Have the oven and stovetop going for a weeknight dinner? Be ready to pay.
After hearing stories from readers about bills tripling, and not wanting to eat cold cuts in the sweltering dark Monday to Friday, I was not too jazzed about getting a smart meter. In reading up, I learned that you can opt out of it–for a cost of course. If you opt out you pay an extra $12 or so a month and your unit price on electricity is slightly higher (though constant). Oh, and when you move, you’ll get to pay Xcel to come out and install a smart meter, apparently regardless of whether the next occupant wants one or not.
Read the whole thing.