ALL THE PRESIDENT’S PALACE GUARD: Washington Post Smears Conservatives For Asking Questions About Timing Of Biden’s Exit.

[The WaPo’s Sarah Ellison gave Federalist CEO Sean Davis] less than an hour to respond to her demands for comment before her article, written in conjunction with [Mariana] Alfaro, went live.

When Davis did respond a few hours after Ellison’s initial comment request, he noted that she and the paper she represents “spread false and dangerous conspiracy theories” on social media and in the publication’s pages about targets of political violence, including Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh and Trump.

“Do you feel personally responsible at all for the violence directed at Kavanaugh given your participation in spreading those conspiracy theories?” Davis queried. “Are you concerned that your paper’s false reporting and dissemination of conspiracy theories has encouraged individuals to inflict violence on Trump or his supporters?”

Davis also pointed out that Alfaro “sent me a nearly identical e-mail earlier this week” but “did not acknowledge my response to her.”

“I can’t imagine it’s the policy of your paper to ignore responses you receive only to send new reporters to ask the same question over and over again until you get a quote you can slice and dice to smear your political enemies,” Davis concluded.

Read the whole thing.