ROGER KIMBALL: We should be grateful that Biden is going nowhere… for now.

In the meantime, I will be interested to see how Biden’s address plays in the media. The thing that struck me were the number of lies it contained. Consider just this one passage, which occurred near the end of Biden’s address. We are, Biden said, “stronger, more prosperous and more secure” today than before, but that is not true. Nor is it true that “today we have the strongest economy in the world.” Wages are not up, as Biden claimed, nor is inflation tamed. Biden claimed that “violent crime” is at “a fifteen-year low,” but in fact it is soaring. Biden even said that he was “securing our border” and that “border crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office.”

These are but a few of the gross misstatements — indeed, gross and obvious lies, with which the president regaled the American people in his address, probably his last such address as president.

The bottom line of this curious — probably unprecedented — performance is that Biden will cling to power as long as possible. He will not — not now, anyway — endow Kamala Harris with the perquisites of incumbency. For that, I suppose, we should be modestly grateful.

Certainly the photographs shot tonight of the Bidens during and after Joe’s speech have a funereal pall about them. How much longer can the regime keep John Gill’s desiccated husk in the Oval Office?