XI’S GOTTA HAVE IT: China’s domestic turmoil risks escalating space tensions.

Faced with an array of internal problems, state censorship has been ratcheted into overdrive. Wary of espionage, Beijing is taking ever more extreme measures to restrict the flow of information. But a more opaque China could impair decision-making about its actions within the global economy and international order. This impairment also includes decision-making ability around the development and preservation of space for the common good.

Indeed, in a lecture broadcasted during the 20th National Congress of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in October 2022, Xi Jinping warned that “external attempts to suppress and contain China may escalate at any time.” The gathering also served to showcase the Chinese leader’s consolidation of absolute control over his party. Loyal ultranationalists were rewarded with cabinet positions, sidelining any viable opposition to Xi’s policies.

By silencing moderate perspectives, hawkish voices that align with Xi Jinping’s zero-sum mindset are now shaping China’s space agenda — as well as related propaganda for domestic consumption.

Leaders living in a bubble dictating the news sounds an awful lot like America under Biden-Harris.