KEEP FIGHTING, JOE! Defiant Biden Handlers Just Threw Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi Under the Bus and Then Backed Over Them.

“Can we all just remember for a minute that these same people who are trying to push Joe Biden out are the same people who literally gave us all Donald Trump? In 2015, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer pushed Biden aside in favor of Hillary; they were wrong then and they are wrong now,” the source told NBC News.

The source pointed to polling in the 2016 election that showed Hillary Clinton leading by as much as nine points.

“How did all this work out for everyone in 2016? Perhaps we should learn a few lessons from 2016; one of them is polls are BS, just ask Sec. Clinton. And two, maybe, just maybe, Joe Biden is more in touch with actual Americans than Obama-Pelosi-Schumer?” the source added.

That doesn’t sound like Biden is about to drop out of the race, does it? As I’ve said before, there’s more going on behind the scenes than just what the president wants. Jill Biden is wildly ambitious and shows no sign of wanting to give up the life of luxury her husband’s position provides. There’s also a laundry list of hangers-on both with Bide’s campaign and within the administration who do not want to lose their gravy train. If the president leaves the race, they will be largely sidelined, and they know.

Then there’s Biden himself. He’s a deeply egotistical man who will not want to go down in history as someone who gave up against Trump. Never mind that he’ll almost assuredly be blamed if he does drop out and then Kamala Harris goes on to lose. There’s no easy path out of the race for Biden that allows him to save face.

Related: “Republicans hold convention, Democrats crack up,” Byron York writes:

[T]he Trump team is rhetorically pressing on another angle, a crucial angle, of the Biden matter. If Biden has to pull out of the race because he is too cognitively impaired to serve as president starting next year, how is he in good enough shape to serve as president right now? For the Trump team, the word of the day became “coup.”

“This is nothing more than an attempted coup by the Democrat Party,” senior Trump campaign strategist Chris LaCivita told Politico Thursday. “They are actively engaged in an attempt, in my view, and a lot of people share this view, in deposing the president of the United States. Because, look, you can’t step down as a candidate for president because you’re cognitively impaired while still being president. The two are linked.”

“This is a political coup — let’s not call it anything other than what it is,” said Jason Miller, another senior Trump adviser, on Newsmax. “Democrats are running a political coup on their own candidate. Joe Biden … is the president of the United States right now. Here’s the important point: You can’t, as a Democrat or a member of the media, say Joe Biden has to drop out of the race but then he stays in as president. If Joe Biden leaves the race for president, he has to step down as president because that is saying he is too mentally incompetent to run the country.”

They have a point. And they will make it over and over regardless of how Democrats resolve their Biden problem in the coming days.

Mary Katharine Ham goes 20 minutes into the future:

UPDATE: Mark Halperin is also going 20 minutes into the future:

If true, how much must team Biden loathe Kamala? As veteran GOP consultant Liz Mair responds, “By not resigning, Biden is saying ‘Harris isn’t fit to be President.'” (Mair has a lot more to say; read the whole thing.)

UPDATE (10:00 pm): Meacham denies involvement:

UPDATE (10:19 pm): (The lack of) Life comes at you fast!