PAST PERFORMANCE IS NO GUARANTEE OF FUTURE TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE: ‘Unifier In Chief’ Biden Admits Mistake In Calling for ‘Bullseye’ on Trump—Then Says He Never Used Inflammatory Rhetoric.

Biden’s defiant remarks were a far cry from the call for national unity the octogenarian leader issued in a rare Oval Office address on Sunday. “We must not go down this road in America. The political rhetoric in this country has gotten very heated,” Biden said. “It’s time to cool it down.” His comments in the wake of Saturday’s shooting prompted mainstream outlets such as Politico to call Biden the nation’s “unifier in chief.”

In his interview with Holt, however, Biden embraced such “heated” rhetoric. In addition to his assertion that Trump is a “threat to democracy,” Biden veered off into a diatribe about the “viciousness” of rural Trump supporters after Holt asked him whether Saturday’s assassination attempt will alter the trajectory of the presidential election.

“I’ve never seen circumstances where you ride through certain rural areas of the country, and people have signs they’re standing—big Trump signs with a middle—sign that says ‘F Biden’ and a little kid standing there putting up his middle finger,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s the kind of stuff that’s just inflammatory and a kind of viciousness. It’s a very different thing to say, ‘Look, I really disagree with Trump’s—the way he takes care of taxes.’”

Related: ‘Hitler Pig.’

As former President DONALD TRUMP’s trial opened Monday in New York City, NYT’s MAGGIE HABERMAN posted an update from the courtroom: “Trump appears to be sleeping. His head keeps dropping down and his mouth goes slack.”

The post, which immediately went viral on X and was almost instantly the talk of cable news panels, shot around Biden world in emails and text messages between White House, campaign aides and other Democrats close to the administration.

“Hitler Pig sleepy,” one individual said on one thread as a caption to Haberman’s post.

You read that right: “Hitler Pig.”

That moniker, four people in Biden’s orbit told West Wing Playbook, is one that aides to and allies of the president — generally younger, more digitally native individuals, not senior staffers, one person clarified — frequently use to describe Trump.

—The Politico, April 17th.

This morning, Biden senior advisor TJ Ducklo wasn’t happy about how his boss’s latest interaction with a party operative with a Chyron turned out:

This despite Holt doing all he can to cover for Biden’s gaffes:

Veteran journalism professor Jeff Jarvis apparently doesn’t think we’re worthy of grandpa’s wisdom:

Related: Biden Snaps at Lester Holt for Supposedly Not Covering the ‘Lies’ Trump Told at the Debate. No one is falling for the BUT TRUMP diversion. Anyone with a brain cell knows the media loves to fact check Trump.