MICHAEL WALSH: Trump, Biden, and the Shame of the Corporate Media.

We chose the cover image, based on a well-known 1932 Hitler campaign poster, for a precise reason: that anyone transported back to 1932 Germany could very, very easily have explained away Herr Hitler’s excesses and been persuaded that his critics were going overboard. After all, he spent 1932 campaigning, negotiating, doing interviews—being a mostly normal politician. But he and his people vowed all along that they would use the tools of democracy to destroy it, and it was only after he was given power that Germany saw his movement’s full face.

Today, we at The New Republic think we can spend this election year in one of two ways. We can spend it debating whether Trump meets the nine or 17 points that define fascism. Or we can spend it saying, “He’s damn close enough, and we’d better fight.” We unreservedly choose the latter course.

Unreservedly, TNR, and now you have to live with it. Remember when Sarah Palin ran an ad “targeting” vulnerable congressional seats and the Left lost its collective mind? But it’s okay when they do it — after all, their hearts and minds are in the right place. They live in a feminized fantasy world of violence and revenge, but one in which the consequences of their words and deeds never blow back on them. Let BLM burn down parts of major cities and their fascist goon squad, Antifa, assault real Americans with impunity — their intentions are pure! And if you disagree, they’ll kill you.

Read the whole thing. As Richard Fernandez once wrote: “It is impossible to understand the politics of the Left without grasping that it is all about deniable intimidation.”

UPDATE: TNR quickly attempts to memory hole its new cover: