WHOM THE GODS DESTROY, THEY FIRST MAKE NIXONIAN: If Biden is smart, he’ll follow Nixon’s example.

As the nation’s capital broiled in the summer heat, the president found himself increasingly isolated in the Oval Office.

During his decades in politics, he had charted a career from the Senate to the vice presidency, though after two terms in the nation’s second-highest office, most believed his political career to be over. Even so, he shocked the political establishment by winning the presidency, largely by promising to return a sense of calm following a time of crisis and public protest.

Suddenly, however, the president found himself fending off calls from members of his own party to step aside, as the media monitored his every word for signs of what he may be thinking.

Yes, 50 years ago this month, Richard Nixon faced a remarkably difficult choice. (Who did you think I was talking about?)

Bill Maher believes that Biden should really make history rhyme: Bill Maher predicts the EXACT date Biden will step down for historic reason… before making hilarious comparison.

Bill Maher predicted the exact date that he believes Joe Biden will step aside in the presidential race as he issued an optimistic look at who could replace him.

The comedian, 68, rattled through possible replacements including Gavin Newsom, Kamala Harris and Gretchen Whitmer, as he insisted that ‘Biden is toast.’

He joked that ‘when’ the 81-year-old bows out, he will pick August 9 as the date – the same day that Richard Nixon became the only president to resign in 1974.

After Democrats transformed impeachment as something they originally sold the public in the mid-1970s as a once-in-a-lifetime punishment for the eeeeeevil Nixon (whom some on the left later came to grudgingly respect) to something to routinely deploy against presidents simply because they have an “R” after their name, Biden resigning 50 years after Nixon would add an excellent sense of symmetry to DC’s otherwise completely dysfunctional politics.

Related: Joe Biden, at a Dead End, Faces Richard Nixon’s Choice. “Like Nixon, Mr. Biden must now write his last chapter — for one way or another, he’s reached the end of the book.”

(Classical reference in headline.)