On Thursday evening, Joe Biden held what was widely dubbed his “big boy” press conference. Originally scheduled for 5:30 pm ET, it was delayed an hour, before again being pushed to 7:00 pm  and then 7:15 pm.

It was a rough start, for sure. Biden sounded hoarse at times, coughed quite a bit, and sounded like he had cotton in his mouth and nostrils. But, it was a campaign speech through and through. He repeated the same old stump speech lines that we’ve heard over and over and that haven’t resonated with the public.

Of course, the speech was irrelevant. The questions and answers are what matter, and it didn’t go very well.

For starters, his “big boy” press conference was made up of pre-approved reporters.

The press conference, which closed out the NATO summit in Washington, was the latest make-or-break moment for his presidential campaign. Frankly, the entire thing was a losing proposition for Biden, as even White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby were calling it the “big boy” conference.

More: Biden Strikes Defiant Tone in Bumbling Press Conference with Political Future at Stake.

Asked whether it would harm his legacy if he were to lose to Trump in November, he challenged the premise of the question, saying “I’m not in this for my legacy.” He subsequently explained why he abandoned his “bridge” candidate pledge instead of anointing a successor.

“What changed was the gravity of the situation I inherited,” Biden said, citing the economic turbulence and geopolitical crisis of his first term. “My long time in the Senate equipped me to have the wisdom on how to deal with the Congress to get things done.”

Biden did acknowledge his need to slow down and his staffers’s desire to add events to his schedule, a tendency he said angered First Lady Jill Biden.

“I love my staff, but they add things. They add things all the time. I’m catching hell from my wife,” Biden stated.

At times, Biden gave long-winded, rambling answers on foreign policy, going into detail about working with world leaders and cease-fire negotiations between Israel and Hamas. During these stream of conscious answers, Biden repeatedly lost his trains of thought and stumbled over his words, repeating “anyway” and “the idea” as verbal crutches.

Asked about how he would fare at the end of a second term, Biden maintained that he’d be ready to deal with the leaders of hostile countries.

“I’m ready to deal with them now and three years from now,” Biden said of Chinese leader Xi Jinping and Russian president Vladimir Putin, America’s two most powerful adversaries.

As usual, Biden’s ego and reality are inhabiting two extremely different planes of existence:

Of course, you’d think that too, if your staff, such as Biden’s deputy press secretary, was blowing this much smoke up your fundament:

UPDATE: Past performance is no guarantee of Trunalimunumaprzure:

MORE: Biden’s “mixed” NATO presser wasn’t enough for Capitol Hill.