GO ON AND TAKE THE RED PILL ALREADY: ‘The Law Has Failed Me’: Union Anti-Semitism Causes New Wave Of Support For Right To Work Laws.

“I’ve tried to use the law as it exists and at every turn, the law has failed me,” MIT graduate student William Sussman said. The computer science doctoral candidate cited numerous examples of MIT Graduate Student Union (GSU) staffers occupying buildings, being arrested, and passing a “ceasefire resolution” that did not mention the words “hostages,” “Hamas,” or “peace.”

“The blood had not yet dried when my colleagues at MIT declared ‘Victory is Ours,’”’ Sussman said, referring to a student group sharing an advertisement of an anti-Israel rally one day after Hamas’s massacre of more than 1,000 Israelis on October 7.

The “Confronting Union Antisemitism: Protecting Workers from Big Labor Abuses,” hearing held by the House Subcommittee on Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions comes amid unions across the country engaging in anti-Israel political activism including passing one-sided resolutions, organizing protests, and persecuting Zionist members.

According to Sussman, he was denied a request to have a religious accommodation that would use his compulsory union dues to fund a charity instead of the union’s political activity.

Previously: US universities including Cornell, Harvard and MIT raked in $13B in ‘undocumented contributions’ from foreign donors. “A sizable portion of the funds were said to be donated from authoritarian regimes around the globe including Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China and the UAE, the report from the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) claimed.”