BIDEN CAMPAIGN COLLAPSE TRACKER (DAY SIX): When You’ve Lost Stephanopoulos… “What happens when some random New Yorker sees ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos and starts up the video camera on his phone before asking Stephanopoulos if he thinks Biden should step down?”
UPDATE (From Ed): “George Stephanopoulos Accidentally Tells the Truth — That’s a big no-no,” Jim Treacher writes: “It took TMZ to get the truth out of a lifelong liar like Stephanopoulos. Just like it took the National Enquirer to get to the truth about John Edwards and the secret daughter he had with his nutty campaign aide back in 2008. Sometimes you gotta dig around in the gutter to find a gem. Now the libs are furious at this tiny little man for expressing his genuine opinion. How can the Democrats stop the Big Orange Liar, if one of their soldiers can ruin the whole thing in a regrettable moment of unintentional honesty?”