NEO: Is there a lever long enough to move Joe Biden?

Archimedes is purported to have said: “Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.”

I’m glad I’m not a Democrat right now. They’re engaged in looking for a lever long enough to dislodge Joe Biden’s stubborn grip on the 2024 nomination, and so far it eludes them. Will they find it in time?

Of course, they may not need it if they can commit enough fraud to win the election even with Biden at the helm. There is zero pretense that they care about the effect his continuing to occupy the office has had, and will have, on the fate of the country and the world. It’s about one thing only: winning. That’s why Joe was chosen in the first place in 2020 – not because he’d be a good president, but because he could be presented to the public in such a way that he would be the victor. And whether this occurred through rigging, fraud, or fair and square, it hardly matters to them, as long as it could be accomplished.

Related: Is This Why Biden Is Digging in So Aggressively Regarding Staying in the 2024 Race?

Why is Joe Biden clinging onto his presidency like grim death? It’s a point of pride, ego, and a burning desire to prove his critics wrong again. The president sees the internal voices of opposition as those who advised him not to run in 2016. They did so again in 2020, but he ran and won, thanks to the party elites he now loathes. A top Democratic Party donor and operative, Dmitri Mehlhorn, expounded on Biden’s deep intransigence over his 2024 nomination (via Drop Site News):

The key thing to understand about Biden’s resistance to dropping out, Mehlhorn said, is that Biden believes he should have run in 2016, but let himself be talked out of it—and won’t make that mistake again. “I want to just go a little bit deeper into the decision-making process of Joe Biden,” Mehlhorn told me. “Joe Biden is haunted by the fact that in 2016, he listened to these arguments. And he’s right. We were all wrong. If he’d run in 2016, we would not be here. A lot of people—not us as much this time—but a lot of people made those same arguments to him in 2020 and he stubbornly, stubbornly resisted all of them. And he saved us.”

Mehlhorn said the reverse was true in 2020. “So all of these arguments came at him in ’16. He listened, the world suffered grievously. All of these arguments came at him in 2020. He refused to listen, the world benefited tremendously,” Mehlhorn said. “America now has the strongest economy of the world, we are powering the world economy, we are leading the free world against Russian aggression because he refused to listen to these arguments. So right now, who is he going to listen to? I believe that fundamentally, he is going to listen to voters.”

If you honestly believe Biden “saved us” economically, and successfully “leading the free world against Russian aggression,” that’s some seriously potent hallucinogenic substances you have access to, perhaps along the lines of whatever John Gill is ingesting these days:

In any case, Joe believing he knew better in 2016 than those who insisted he not run is classic Joe believing he’s smarter than anyone else in the room: