DISASTER: Biden Completely Out of Touch With Reality in ABC Interview. “After watching the 23-minute interview, it was obvious that Stephanopoulos was sent out to stab Caesar to death on [pre-recorded] television. There’s no other way to spin it. After the interview, ABC political hacks piled on. Rather than reassuring skittish Democrat operatives (let alone the public) that Biden is fine, it reinforced the narrative that he is too old and feeble to remain as the nominee.”

These answers didn’t help:

Asked if he’s had a full neurological exam since the debate, Biden retorted, “I get a full neurological test every day with me.” It was clearly a scripted line and he repeated it twice more in the interview.

“Have you had the specific cognitive tests?”

“No. No one said I had to,” Biden said.

He tried to offer proof of his wellness by ticking off world leaders he’s spoken to recently but stumbled over names and events.

Shockingly, Stephanopoulos continued to demand answers about Biden’s cognitive condition.

“Watch me. There’s a lot of time left in this campaign,” said the president.

“George, I’m the guy who put NATO together,” he lied. “I’m the guy that shut Putin down,” he lied again.

There’s a small chance that last answer could come back to haunt him:

In the meantime:

Axios sums it up: “He’s toast:” Biden’s ABC interview flops with Hill Democrats.

Steve Hayward adds: It’s Over: Only the When and How to Be Determined. “Biden’s eventual departure from the ticket rates an 11 on John McLaughlin’s old ten-point scale of metaphysical certitude.”

UPDATE: To add to Paula Bolyard’s comment at the start of this post that “After watching the 23-minute interview, it was obvious that Stephanopoulos was sent out to stab Caesar to death on [pre-recorded] television. There’s no other way to spin it,” Jazz Shaw adds further proof to that theory: ABC’s Transcript of the Biden Interview is Revealing.

If you read through the full transcript, you will see that ABC included the instances where there were pauses and repeated words, by both Biden and Stephanopoulos. I didn’t take the time to walk through it line by line while listening to the full interview (which you can watch here if you missed it) but if there was any “cleanup” work done on the transcript it wasn’t much.

If the media are no longer correcting Biden’s yammering and gaffes, they no longer wish to portray him as anything remotely approaching competent, and are using the largest stage they can muster to demonstrate that he’s unfit to serve as president. ABC’s Martha Raddatz, another member of the House of Stephanopoulos even admitted on camera with a pained expression that “Jill” is “lashing out at those who want him to get out of the race.” As Nick Arama of Red State spotted, “Oh, and notice they didn’t refer to her as ‘Dr. Biden’ either, that appears to have gone out the window,” adding that it “Looks like the media is throwing them under the bus at this point.”