[A] blistering new poll for President Joe Biden shows him slipping behind Trump in nearly every battleground state.

And a new Democrat frontrunner replacement for Biden has emerged – Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States, currently polls with a massive 50-39 lead over former President Trump.

The Democratic revolt in the House is starting as three sitting lawmakers shocked the party by either telling Biden to drop out or stating he’s already lost the election to Donald Trump. And Biden will meet with Democrat governors later today at the White House to try and reassure them.

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Another report states the Biden ally said it’s ‘only a matter of time’ until he drops out.

But Biden’s Deputy spokesperson Andrew Bates insisted in a post on X moments after the article went live that the reporting is ‘absolutely false.’ He complained the NYT only gave the team seven minutes to reply to a request for comment.

Oh how the tide has turned:

CNN joins the dog pile:

The Comedy Continues,” ​John Hinderaker writes:

The White House denies the Times report.

This is an instance of a totally discretionary “news” story. The Times ran it, and the “ally” presumably leaked it, and maybe spun it, as part of an effort to drive Biden out of the race.

For now, we can just enjoy the Democrats’ disarray. They deserve everything they are getting, after gaslighting the rest of us for the last four years.

Meanwhile, at the Drudge Report today:

Or as America’s Newspaper of Record notes, deploying a classical reference: Report: Kamala About To Unburden Herself From What Has Been.