QUESTION ASKED: Does the Electoral Reaper Beckon for Jamaal Bowman?

Jamaal Bowman wants you to know that he’s now sincerely sorry about all those rapes.

Not ones that he committed himself, mind you. (Bowman may be a deeply goofy, lumbering “Squad” Democrat representing Westchester County, N.Y., with all the worst progressive politics in the world, but he is reportedly quite the genially approachable fellow.) The rapes of all those Israeli women, that is — atrocities committed on and after the October 7 surprise attack by Hamas on the Jewish state. Politico reported this morning, in an entry from its “New York Playbook,” that Bowman, currently running for his life against locally popular Westchester County executive George Latimer in the Democratic primary set for next Tuesday, now regrets having called reports of brutal sexual violence inflicted (indeed, GoPro’ed) by Hamas terrorists on Israeli women “propaganda” and “lies.”

Back in November, Bowman sang a different tune: On November 17, he stated that “there’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women, but they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.” Now he’s sorry.

Not helping matters: In “Bowman’s Folly,” Christopher F. Rufo and Luke Rosiak write that “The New York congressman appears to have plagiarized parts of his Ed.D. dissertation:”

Jamaal Bowman, the controversial New York congressman, often appeals to his work as a former school principal and his Ed.D. in education as the basis for his policy positions.

But, according to our analysis, Bowman’s primary academic work—his 2019 dissertation, “Community Schools: The Perceptions and Practices that Foster Broad-Based Collaboration amongst leaders with the Community School Ecosystem”—is riddled with basic errors, failures of logic, and multiple instances of plagiarism. (Bowman did not return a request for comment.)

Bowman has boasted about the paper on social media and considers it formative to his political orientation. When asked recently his political views, Bowman said, “I identify as an educator, and as a Black man in America. But my policies align with those of a socialist, so I guess that makes me a socialist.”

Fortunately, CBS stands ready to Build Back Bowman: Stephen Colbert Helps Bowman Sanitize His History Of Spouting Hamas Propaganda. “Colbert would spend the rest of the segment projecting his belief that the war in Gaza is one giant tragedy onto Bowman, allowing him to portray himself as someone who simply wants to find a ceasefire and a two-state solution instead of what he really is, which is an anti-Semitic Hamas propagandist.”