WHY IS THE LEFT SUCH A CESSPIT OF RACISM? Some Blacks on Social Media Don’t Want White People Celebrating Juneteenth.

There are too many to list, but all show an unbridled prejudice and racial bigotry by black people toward white people. After what was supposed to be a racial reckoning, at a time when the ideas of diversity and inclusion have become an integral part of society, there is a significant amount of anti-white bigotry that exists in this country that regularly gets ignored.

The kind of racist comments made above would cause significant controversy if they were made by white people talking about black people. The same should hold when it is black people talking about white people. Decades of radical indoctrination in schools and other cultural institutions in society have taught many black people to be resentful and hateful toward white people for something that happened over 150 years ago that affected no one living today. It’s indicative of just how radicalized many in the country have become.

White people should not be made to feel guilty or be the victims of resentment over things people did decades and centuries ago. Such rhetoric does nothing to promote racial equality.

It’s more than slavery, as the people supporting reparations like to point out. There’s an ongoing, 150-year, “systematic” racial bias, white privilege, unequal opportunity, Jim Crow, and racial oppression that needs to be dealt with. But you can’t assign guilt based solely on race. It turns the entire concept of “guilt” on its head.

Reparations and bribes won’t solve it. An apology by white people would be ludicrous. History is “history” for a reason: It’s in the past. Trying to elicit feelings of guilt from people who weren’t alive at the time that blacks were enslaved and who never consciously participated in any kind of black oppression is wrong.
