THE GASLIGHTING WILL CONTINUE UNTIL MORALE IMPROVES: You Do Know That Joe Biden’s Dementia Is 2024’s Hunter Laptop, Right?

In trying to cast doubt on the authenticity of the G7 and Hollywood fundraiser videos, [Rhona Tarrant, CBS’s resident “disinformation expert”] suggests that viral videos where Biden bumbles through sentences are also manipulated.

[CBS’s Chief White House Correspondent Nancy Cordes], for her part, repeatedly wonders out loud about the impact these videos might have on the election. The end goal, as always, is to Protect the Precious.

In their collective firefighting against the cognitive decline videos, the Regime Media have gone far beyond obsequiousness and servility- descending into outright Orwellianism. The Media have taken on the role of The Party as depicted in George Orwell’s 1984, and like The Party, they now command you to “reject the evidence of your eyes and ears”.

It is very clear that the Regime Media thinks Biden needs to be protected from the impact of the endless flow of videos documenting his mental decline. And in so doing, they have signaled they will pull out all the stops. Just like they did in 2020, when Biden needed to be protected from Hunter’s laptop. Biden’s ongoing and well-documented cognitive decline is the 2024 version of Hunter’s laptop.

But Hunter’s laptop required a certain connect-the-dots ability by the public to understand. In sharp contrast, while Joe has never been the sharpest intellect in politics, we’ve all seen his decline in recent years:

But it’s CBS, and getting caught gaslighting their viewers is pretty on-brand for them. QED: WHOOPS! CBS News Explains Why ‘Wrong Version of a Video’ Was Removed From Biden ‘Cheap Fake’ Hackery.