TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE! Debate Details Emerging that Take Into Account Biden’s Age and Infirmities.

The Biden and Trump campaigns have put the finishing touches on their debate on June 27th. We already knew that Jake Tapper and Dana Bash would moderate. Now the two sides have agreed to several ground rules.

  1. There will be two commercial breaks instead of one. No interaction with campaign staff will be allowed. Will they allow a bathroom break?

  2. Mics will be muted when it’s not the candidate’s turn.

  3. “Both candidates agreed to appear at a uniform podium, and their podium positions will be determined by a coin flip,” according to CNN.

  4. No audience will be present.

  5. No opening statements.

  6. The moderators “will use all tools at their disposal to enforce timing and ensure a civilized discussion,” according to the network. That means no talking over the other guy.

As Rick Moran writes, “With the inability to interrupt the other, there probably won’t be a lot of fireworks. But given how much they hate each other, you have to wonder if they’re even going to shake hands before the debate. Other than that, I’m going to be watching the expressions on both their faces. Daggers and arrows, man. Daggers and arrows.”