BEEGE WELBORN: If It Was Really Sailing in Boiling Seas, How Did the EU Ship of State Hit a Populist Iceberg?

They ignored citizens who were fed up with being overrun by “immigrants,” run over by inflation, beaten up by skyrocketing energy costs, pursuing “Green” policies that delivered the opposite result promised, suffering while waiting for a boiling frog Climate Apocalypse that never arrives but never ends and watching their national identities and standard of living being stripped away before their very eyes.

All while being told to stuff a sock in it, and suck it up. Their betters in Brussels and the elected instruments of enforcing those mandates in EU members’ capitals would lead the dullards to a more perfect world.

Anyone questioning the methods, data, pretense, or wisdom of the policies, would be declared a heretic for deviating from the path best for “the common good.” And suffer repeated schmearings of the worst vituperations that a European can fling. In any previous other election, this repetitive shaming would have cowed the general populace of even-keeled Europeans back into the woodwork.

The soothing ‘shared values’ cajoling and dire warnings had always worked before.

Read the whole thing.