FOX BUTTERFIELD, CALL YOUR OFFICE! ‘There’s a concerted effort to make people afraid of crime,’ Moriarty claims.

During a May 28 event, Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty explained she believes there’s an effort to cause the public to fear crime.

“Moderate Democrats have done a lot of work in making people afraid of downtown Minneapolis,” she said. “There is a concerted effort to make people afraid of crime.”

The conversation took place between Moriarty and Dr. T. Anansi Wilson, a Mitchell Hamline School of Law professor. The discussion centered around being “good trouble” and activism.

“White supremacy is ingrained everywhere,” Moriarty said. “White supremacy is what we all live in. It’s the water. It’s what we swim in here.”

Wilson agreed and took it a step further, explaining his belief that white supremacy is embedded in all public policy, including the Constitution. “We have to think about the Constitution as the living will of the white supremacist, slave-owning, genocidal, xenophobic, sexist, homophobic, cis-heterosexist, capitalistic, classics [sic] maniacs, right,” Wilson said.

Moriarty, a white, lesbian woman, was elected to serve as Hennepin County attorney in 2022. Her campaign included progressive approaches to criminal justice such as “restorative justice programs” and “alternatives to incarceration.”

“Crime is down,” Moriarty said repeatedly throughout the conversation.

Flashback to four years ago this month: Minneapolis City Council members intend to defund and dismantle the city’s police department.

—CNN, June 8th, 2020.


(Classical reference in headline.)