DISPATCHES FROM THE INTERSECTION OF WEIMAR AMERICA AND TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE: It Looked Like Biden Froze During Early Juneteenth Celebration at the White House.

Biden looked to be having a frozen episode. He looked a lot like Mitch McConnell did when he froze during a press conference. At the time, McConnell’s people said it was likely a part of the process as his brain recovered from a bad fall he took. He hit his head when he fell and was hospitalized.

When McConnell froze, he stood motionless with a blank stare on his face. Biden had the same look on his face. McConnell had a second frozen moment during an event in Kentucky. After the second episode, McConnell announced he was stepping down as Senate minority leader and would not seek re-election. He was 81, the same age as Biden.

Where was Jilly from Philly? Kamala’s husband was there with her. They were clapping and swaying to the music next to Biden on the front row.

This comes at an awkward time. Last week the Wall Street Journal ran a tough piece about Biden’s loss of mental acuity. 45 people were interviewed, both Democrats and Republicans. Most of the Democrats spoke anonymously. It was notable, though, that they were speaking about Biden’s condition at all. Most are silent or defensive when asked about Biden’s ability to do the job, given his advanced age and obvious decline.

More here: Video of Joe Biden Appearing to Freeze at Juneteenth Event Raises Questions.

Many questions: