STEPHEN KRUISER: Let’s Take a Break From Despair and Be Irritated About Pride Month Today.

On Sunday afternoon, a friend reminded me that it is now the secular holy month of Pride, which I had managed to not think of until that point. Yeah, I hadn’t gone anywhere near the news or social media for a couple of days. I immediately thought, “Hey, let’s kick off the week with some annual Pride Month lamentation!”

Even the slightest variations on an “end of the Republic” theme can save what’s left of one’s sanity.

Here is a tale from last year’s Alphabet Mafia celebration that Catherine wrote about over the weekend:

It’s June, the month LGBTQ loonies have aggressively and egregiously claimed as their own, but even before the Pride flags unfurled last year, a California fire department lifeguard found himself in trouble for saying the flag did not accord with his Christian beliefs.

Last year, the LA County Board of Supervisors made it mandatory for county facilities to fly the Progress Pride flag throughout the month of June. The Los Angeles County Fire Department originally gave Capt. Jeffrey Little his requested religious exemption from personally putting up the flag, Fox News noted, but the exemption was later revoked and he was told his religious beliefs “do not matter”. Little later lost his investigation unit position and had to use vacation time to avoid being forced to put up the flag. This year, his religious exemption requests were simply ignored. Now he’s suing.

Good for him. It’s absolutely insane that people aren’t allowed to say “Christmas” at a public school, but a government entity can force an employee to worship its secular quasi-religion.

This is where everything goes awry for people like me. The heavy-handed “you will be made to care” approach by the militant LGBTQ+ mob provokes a rebound reaction. I’m all about live and let live, but around the 500th forced rainbow sighting of June — I think we’re already there this year — I’m more than a little irritated with the whole thing.

As are some on the left: Pride Marchers Face Off With Pro-Palestine Protesters After They Block Parade Route.

Pride parade marchers in Philadelphia Sunday were seen facing off with a group of pro-Palestine protesters after they blocked the parade route from moving forward, video shows.

From the comments: “They’re both fighting for top billing in the victimology hierarchy.”

This is also the time of the year when many notice that the Middle East itself appears exempt from most corporations’ Pride pandering: