OCEANIA HAS ALWAYS BEEN AT WAR WITH THE APPEAL TO HEAVEN FLAG: San Francisco Flew ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Flag Until Saturday.

It’s no surprise that San Francisco is run by a bunch of insurrectionists.

How many of us secretly believed that the city was only barely American in the first place? There is even a Nelson DeMille book in which the ultra-conservative baddies plan on nuking San Francisco because it was full of anti-American zealots. It’s hard to argue with their reasoning about S.F., but I would never endorse nuking any city, no less one as beautiful as the City by the Bay.

Still, you wouldn’t expect the city fathers (mothers? Nonbinary caregivers? Degenerate lawmakers? What should I call them?) to be flying an ultra-MAGA January 6th insurrectionist flag. I would have expected a modified Cuban flag with rainbows and a keffiyeh or something.

But sure enough, until this weekend, the city was flying the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, showing their support for a violent insurrection to install Donald Trump as El Supremo Maximal Dictator Extraordinaire.

Thus causing this Orwellian headline from the San Francisco Chronicle: