WHEN EVEN “FACE THE NATION” IS DUBIOUS…: Buttigieg defends Biden’s EV strategy after question on how only 8 federal charging stations have been built.

Buttigieg appeared Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” where he tried to ease doubts about reaching Biden’s goal of 500,000 chargers by the end of the decade when asked why it wasn’t happening more quickly.

“Now, in order to do a charger, it’s more than just plugging a small device into the ground,” the secretary said. “There’s utility work, and this is also really a new category of federal investment. But we’ve been working with each of the 50 states.

“Seven or eight, though?” host Margaret Brennan said with a laugh.

“Again by 2030, 500,000 chargers,” Buttigieg maintained. “And the very first handful of chargers are now already being physically built.”

Previously: $7.5 Billion Later, Biden Is Up to 7 EV Charging Stations. “My back-of-the-envelope math also indicates that building seven stations every two years will get us to Biden’s goal of 500,000 no later than the year 144,881 AD. Assuming we’re still using AD by then. 2030 doesn’t seem that far away now, does it?”