ROLLING STONE MAKES IN-KIND CONTRIBUTION TO TRUMP 2024 CAMPAIGN: That Monster: Rolling Stone Calls Trump’s Promise of Cheap Gas, Energy Independence ‘Awful.’


In 2021, as Steve spotted, Rolling Stone “reported” that ‘Joe Manchin Just Cooked the Planet,’ which would mean that it’s far too late for Trump and the oil companies to do much more harm. Besides, how can we all still be here, after Dan Rather’s predictions for the hellscape that planet earth would become, presumably, by about, err, 1992:

But does Jann Wenner still own his private plane? I’m sure he’ll appreciate the fuel being much cheaper — as will everyone else outside of Biden’s handlers and other Green Nude Eel aficionados. Speaking of which, what’s all this talk about cheap gas? Didn’t AOC just spin this same news as Trump making gas much more expensive — something that she herself still wants, assuming she’s still onboard with her passion play of 2019?