JIM TREACHER: Here’s Why I Hate Media Matters.

The next day, when the [Daily] Caller reported out the story, they got that incoming number from the office switchboard and called it back. Only then did McGuinn identify himself as a federal agent. I don’t know if he admitted to being the driver then, or later.

All of which is to ask you, dear reader:

How in the hell was I supposed to know who hit me?

Telepathy? Crystal ball? Authorial omniscience?

But Media Matters didn’t care about any of that. They just saw me as an enemy, for the crime of accepting a job offer from Tucker Carlson. So they maligned me as I lay in a hospital bed after being crippled for life. They compounded my suffering, because that’s their job.

It’s the sort of thing a fella tends to remember.

All of which is to say I’m glad those MMFA idiots decided to mess with Elon Musk, because he’s suing them and they’re panicking and yesterday they laid off a bunch of people whose only job was to watch Fox News and read conservative media and try to ruin the lives of those who dare to disagree with them.

Or, y’know, libel them after they were just in a horrible accident. For kicks.

I neither like nor trust Elon Musk, but today my hat is off to him. Not since Hulk Hogan took down Gawker have I been so happy.

Read the whole thing.

As James Taranto wrote in 2004, when Media Matters first began, holding itself up as a far left clone of the right’s Accuracy in Media and the Media Research Center:

See the problem here? [David] Brock’s new shop is devoted to faulting conservative opinion journalists for expressing conservative opinions. What the Media Research Center does is entirely different; it analyzes liberal bias in the news media, which are supposed to be objective. If liberals are willing to spend $2 million funding a Web site that does nothing more than expose conservative commentators for engaging in conservative commentary, can we really afford to trust them with our tax dollars?

Of course, once Media Matters did “expose conservative commentators for engaging in conservative commentary,” it was time to unleash the social media mob on them:

However, one man is holding up an olive branch this week: