NOT ONLY IS THE PAST STRANGER THAN WE IMAGINE, IT IS STRANGER THAN WE CAN IMAGINE: Taylor Swift Brings Store Manager’s Dreams to Life in 2012 Macy’s Commercial.

Taylor Swift is great at making dreams come true. In an effort to promote her newest fragrance, Wonderstruck Enchanted, Swift stars in a new Macy’s commercial in which she makes a store manager’s hopes and dreams a reality… sort of.

The star-studded commercial actually advertises products made by a number of fan-favorite stars, including Justin Bieber, Diddy, Martha Stewart, Donald Trump, and Carlos Santana. A Macy’s store manager arrives at work to see all of these celebrities trying out their products, and he immediately wanders off into a dream world — because surely, this can’t be real. He can envision himself playing guitar with Santana, having Martha Stewart serve him breakfast in bed and playing wingman to the Biebs while he puts on an in-store performance.

I had no idea this serious a glitch in the Matrix even existed:

But it gets crazier, as Trump meets Edmund Gwenn’s Santa from 1947’s Miracle on 34th Street: