BURGMENTUM! America’s Next Vice President?

The question, I think, is what kind of balance should Trump seek? I think he needs, more than geographic or demographic balance, personality balance. Someone who is solid, reliable, non-dramatic, not susceptible to tabloid distractions, with a record of success in business and an air of obvious competence that will reassure the business community, Wall Street, and upper-income voters. In my view, more than any of the other VP contenders, Burgum has those qualities in spades.

So I have come around to the idea that, while Trump has other good options, selecting Doug Burgum as his vice presidential nominee could be a smart choice. One more thing: it also offers the prospect of Doug Burgum debating Kamala Harris, which could be a mismatch for the ages.

Or, perhaps: Ex-Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says Democrats, Biden-Harris administration put themselves in God’s place.