COLORADO: Gas prices to skyrocket in these 9 counties and it’s all Polis’s fault.

Thanks to poor governing by Jared Polis, gas prices within nine Front Range counties will spike fifty cents to a dollar per gallon in the next two weeks.

As those Coloradans are forced to buy an EPA approved reformulated gasoline that’s more expensive to make, it could also result in a fuel shortage at the pump.
Why is this Polis’s fault?

Because when he was first elected King Polis, Lord of the Front Range Flies, protector of the bureaucratic realm and first man of his kind, he passed on getting the ozone waiver from the feds which then Gov. Hickenlooper had long maintained.

Instead, Polis played climate change politics and pretended the Front Range ozone issues weren’t caused in large part by forest fires, pollution from Asia, and other non-climate change reasons so he could shut down sectors of Colorado’s energy and force emission reductions down our throat.

As Energy in Depth has reported, Polis’s political decision unleashed this EPA regulatory process and now he can’t get the genie back in the bottle.

Adding insult to injury, Polis is now whining to the media and acting like it’s not his fault he mucked up the waiver process, and now the Biden administration won’t give him one.

Gooder and harder.