PEPPERMINT PSAKI ATTEMPTS TO MEMORY HOLE HISTORY, and even Axios is calling her out: Psaki’s new book falsely recounts Biden’s watch check in troop ceremony.

Many family members of the 13 soldiers killed during the explosion at the Abbey Gate base in Kabul have consistently said in interviews and appearances before Congress that Biden checked his watch as the caskets went by.

  • Mark Schmitz, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, told Congress in August of 2023 that “while I stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again, all I wanted to do was shout out, ‘It’s two f***ing thirty, asshole.’ “
  • The day after the ceremony on Aug. 29, 2021, Shana Chappell, the mother of Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui, wrote on Facebook: “I watched you disrespect us all 5 different times by checking your watch!!! What the f*** was so important that you had to keep looking at your watch????”

What they’re saying: [Jen] Psaki initially declined to comment, but after this story was published she said in a statement that the “detail in a few lines of the book about the exact number of times he looked at his watch will be removed in future reprints and the ebook.”

  • She added: “The story on Afghanistan is really about the importance of delivering feedback even when it is difficult told through my own experience of telling President Biden that his own story of loss was not well received by the families who were grieving their sons and daughters”
  • Psaki’s publisher, Scribner, did not respond to a request for comment.

Zoom out: Psaki’s account is part of a larger pattern of Biden officials trying to recast the administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal.

The gaslighting will continue — even after Biden’s officials go through the revolving door to the MSM side of the DNC.