NOT A BIG FAN OF STERN 2.0: Howard Stern Fumes Over Criticism He Went Too Easy On Joe Biden.

Howard Stern does not appreciate critics questioning the integrity of his recent interview with Joe Biden.

On Monday, Stern responded to YouTuber David Pakman who suggested the White House planted some of the questions he asked the president.

Pakman specifically wondered if the White House told Stern to ask Biden about a new policy that forces airlines to offer immediate refunds rather than credits for canceled flights.

“Here’s what happened. When Joe Biden came in, the day before [producer] John Hein and I were talking about some of the accomplishments that we admire that have gone on in the past four years, and John says to me, ‘Hey, Howard, did you hear what Joe Biden did with the airlines?'” Stern said.

“If they were scripting the questions, wouldn’t that have been a lot different?” interjected co-host Robin Quivers.

Sadly, given Howard’s current role as fluffer to superstar lefties, probably not.