THEY AREN’T CITIZENS OR EVEN LEGAL RESIDENTS AND SHOULDN’T COUNT: Illegal Aliens Skew Elections By Inflating Certain States’ Electoral Power. This Bill Would Change That.

When former President Donald Trump signed a memo in July 2020 barring illegal aliens from being counted in the census, it was promptly met with a flurry of challenges. A handful of judges blocked the memo, and President Joe Biden eventually reversed the policy.

Democrat New York Rep. Yvette Clark made it crystal clear why Democrats support including illegal aliens in their apportionment tallies when she said in 2021 that her district could “absorb a significant number of these migrants” because “I need more people in my district, just for redistricting purposes.” As droves of Californians and New Yorkers head to red states like Florida and Texas, Democrats are desperate to recoup their population losses to maintain their electoral advantages. Through policies like sanctuary cities — which drain government resources and often invite violence — Democrats have incentivized a boom in illegal immigration to blue areas, which in turn inflates census data in Democrats’ favor.

Red state voters aren’t being replaced (yet) but they are being shoved aside.