¡NO PASARÁN!: In Spain in 1937 and 1938, many thousands of Leftists of all descriptions, were executed or tortured to death in Communist prisons (one who escaped was George Orwell).

On this day, VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM DAY (spasiba to Tovarich Glenn Reynolds), and in view of Ed Driscoll’s thorough post over at Instapundit on George Orwell and his Spanish War period, I would like to take the opportunity to add to the discussion by quoting from Paul Johnson‘s history of the 20th century, from which there is much to learn, not least the appalling truth about the “Republican” camp during the Spanish Civil War.

Tom Wolfe is quoted as saying that, with the publication of the Venona transcripts, “it turns out that “the Loyalists secretly called in the Soviets at the very outset of hostilities—and if they’d won, Spain would have been the first Soviet puppet state!”

True enough. But according to Modern Times (A History of the World from the 1920s to the 1990s), Paul Johnson points out that while the war lasted, this was already the case: the Kremlin’s Soviet NKVD (forerunner of the KGB), not the Spanish, were in fact already in charge of the country (or of that part held by the so-called Loyalists).

Behind [Prime Minister Juan] Negrin’s complaisant ignorance, the Communists — that is, Stalin’s secret police — took over Republican Spain.  The result was one of the major political tragedies of the century

Read the whole thing.