DENVER: Blue city mayor defunds police force by more than $8 million to aid migrants.

A Democrat-controlled city announced $45 million in funding for programs to help deal with the skyrocketing number of migrant arrivals it is facing, resulting in over $8 million in budget cuts for the police department.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced last week a package of $45.9 million to fully fund programs for “newcomers” for 2024 and avoid worst-case scenarios projected by the city. That’s in addition to $44 million in spending already secured for the program through previous budget moves.

Spending on migrants in the city skyrocketed last year from $2 million a month in August to $15 million in December. In January, migrant numbers peaked at around 5,000 in shelters but have since dropped to around 1,000, according to official figures.

“Newcomers,” LOL.

I must have spent 20 years making the drive up to Denver from Colorado Springs at least once a week to meet friends, have a nice dinner, go to a nightclub, etc. But that seems like a long time ago.